Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ten Things I Learned the Week of March 18 - March 25

Much of the credit for this week's list goes to "The Book," a collection of questions that Beth Marsoun has to make sure that her parties are never dull.

1. "Here It Goes Again" by Ok Go makes me speed, but the band name seems to suggest that its ok.

2. John Locke is back to being my favorite character on Lost, and that makes the show infinitely better.

3. I only eat licorice in pairs, or folded in half to give the illusion of two.

4. Nikki Clark is the only girl in my long romantic history that I still have hang-ups about not pursuing as whole-heartedly as she deserved.

5. A dropped camera at a press conference is a little like a young child tripping and falling in a public place. Everybody gasps and runs to see if it's ok, and then they talk shit about the careless parent when the crowd disperses.

6. I can't tell the difference between a vegitarian and spicy italian Subway Sub. Sorry Dan. If it makes you feel any better the spicy italian gave me some serious heartburn.

7. These lists would be a whole lot more entertaining if I learned to write things down when I thought of them rather than assuring myself I'll remember.

8. Swinging a golf club feels so sweet at the time, but the next morning can be a little rough on the ribcage.

9. I thought nothing more nerveracking than asking out a beautiful girl, but putting out a lowball offer on a house I really love may take the cake.

10. KWQC's 10 o'clock newscast kicks all kinds of ass. Nearly 1 out of every 2 television sets being watched in the QC area from 10-10:30 is watching us. It's good to be the king.

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