Saturday, May 06, 2006

How Does One Translate Apoplectic Rage to the Page

Yesterday my laptop screen just went black. After trying the all-American Reboot Remedy, nothing happened. So I was forced to take my computer in to Best Buy for the ole check up. And as it has been every other time I've taken my laptop in to get serviced (five times now), they can't actually FIX anything in the store. They have to send it away. So, I'll be landlocked with my online exploits until May 30th. I have a fair amount of potential blog topics (good ones, at that), but I find it hard to write on this desktop. So, I don't know how often I'll be subjecting you to my special brand of commentary over the next month. I hope I can get something out, but me without my laptop is a little like Mozart without his Piano.

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