Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ten Things I Learned From Today's IM Conversation with My Brother

1. My brother recently shaved his head and was told that he and I look exactly alike...

2. Ergo, there must be some special kind of herb growing in the desert that we don't know about.

3. CNN sometimes has the best intel, but they can still see a helicopter shot down when there wasn't one. Did you catch that whoops yesterday, Joel?

4. The unit Andrew and Co are releaving just left. So as of tomorrow (God help us) he's in charge.

5. Haji already calls him Rock everywhere he goes.

6. Cousin Brian gets the honor of "Best Package" so far, and we're going to assume that my brother meant the one sent through the mail. (Was that too blue for a family site?)

7. Haji smokes hurt the throat.

8. The Chicago Cubs have lead the majors in strike-outs for the past five years. And we got only one post season appearance to speak of. (On a similar note, quote of the night from Scrubs last night: "How depressing is it being you? Would you equate it to being a lifelong Cubs fan or being born with no lips?")

9. 95% of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) won't penetrate American armor, but they will give you a headache.

10. Pictures over e-mail. A no-no.

Also, my brother and I have worked out a way for him to post pictures on this site. So, look for some of those in coming days (although, as he said "Days seem to turn into weeks here for some reason").

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