Thursday, January 05, 2006

"I'm Just Calling To...."

Probably the biggest nuisance that has arisen during my brother's absence has been the new power granted telemarketers. Every time the phone rings, we're hoping it's Andrew. We can stand the let down if it's family or friends, but when it's some jackass from Legend Windows (who?) well, you'll have to forgive my intolerance. Wasn't there a law passed, not to long ago, that telemarketers can only call people with whom they've done previous business. Who the hell is Legend Windows? Making this nuisance even more intolerable is the international phone delay. Before Iraq, I used to hang up at the first moment of silence before a telemarketer clicked in. Now, if I do that I could be hanging up on my brother, and that would probably get me a shiv to the ribs from Mom (she's ruthless, you see). I don't know if the number of telemarketers has gone up, or if we're just hyper-aware of the phone calls, but it seems like they're getting out of hand again. Again, where is that legislation?

Although there are those moments when the sun shines in, where I get the opportunity to turn the tables on the telemarketers for a brief moment.

"Is there an Andrew Rockwell there?"

"No, he's not here right now."

"Could you tell me when he'll be back?"

"Well, he's in Iraq right now, and we haven't heard from him in two weeks, but I'm sure when he has a moment between mortars and hostile fire he'll be thrilled to learn Visa has preapproved him yet again."


And then I do the Snoopy Dance.

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