Thursday, December 22, 2005

G.I. Joe and Mr. Jolie

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted anything in the past couple of days. It's true. I have been away, and honestly it's cause I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say to a bunch of guys who were thrilled, THRILLED at getting every Brad Pitt movie on DVD. Now, I like Ocean's 11 as much as the next guy, but Cool World? There's just no excuse for that. Although that might explain why he got 150 DVD's for a C-note (a hundred dollars for those of you not down).

Seriously though, I should say something about what's really important here. And that's the fact that my brother is finally going to partake and that holiest of holies... 24. Finally, after much grandstanding my brother and I can share in Jack Bauer's many adventures. Now, if I could just get a certain aunt and uncle (you know who you are) to finish up season 3 and get on to season 4. It's the best yet.

I suppose some of you would expect me to say something about my brother's trials in his first week in Iraq, but I don't need to.

He said it best: "I'm invincible."

I'd ask any of you who know him well to argue with his assessment.

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