Sunday, December 18, 2005


From time to time I've wondered whether I resent all the attention my brother is getting. I'm increasingly impatient with people who feel the need to involve me with every single thing they're doing for my brother. It's absolutely necessary that I collect newspaper articles for my brother. It's absolutely necessary that I choose the books to put into his care package. It's absolutely necessary that I help my grandfather pick cigars to send my brother's squad.

You're all adults people. These are your projects. They're not family projects. Andrew knows who is responsible for all these things. He knows that Mom is the care package diva, just as he knows that Dad has to mail it for her. I picked out his books and wrote a little preface in each one, but Andrew knows full well that my mom is going to be a slavedriver with these packages.

I know everybody has to deal with this year in their own way, but damn I wish they didn't all seem to conflict with each other.

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