Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fun With Folicles

When you work in a freezer where -2 degrees Farenheit is considered a balmy day, you'll do anything to keep warm. I have at least $500 dollars of different cold weather gear in my closet that I bought to keep my toes and fingers from breaking off amidst the Popeye's chicken. And in addition to the clothing, I discovered that a shaggy beard is quite efficient in keeping the cheeks toasty. So, up until I got laid off this week I had not shaved since the middle of November. Part of shunning of the razor was for warmth, and part of it was some lazy/inspired decision that I was going to go hobo for the year my brother was away: not shave or cut my hair. I don't know what kind of perverse dedication this was, but it offered me some good cheer.

So, after nearly a month without shaving I had developed quite the Grizzly Adams, but in the two days I've been unemployed I realized that there were at least a couple reasons why refusing to maintain my hair would be ill-advised. First, I had to look nice for prospective employers. Second, and most importantly, over the holidays I will get to spend time with two of the most stunning and remarkable girls I've had the pleasure of knowing in my life. I only get to see them once (if I'm lucky twice) a year, and there's no way I'm going to leave them with a Shaggy dog image of me till next Christmas.

So confronted with this monstrosity of a facial forest and an extremely boring Saturday, I decided I was going to have some fun. So, here is what I came up with to cheer my brother's spirits in his first days in Iraq. I call it the Trailer Trash Stache, courtesy of Trucker Phil.

I'm sorry if I may have to depart with this magnificent specimen before I see many of you at Christmas, but like I said -- two beautiful girls. Still, I think I'm going to keep it for a while just because it makes my dad really, really uncomfortable. And that always makes me laugh.

Oh, and Brian. I know you're having a problem with that disappearing chin. Well, from the looks of that photo I have one to spare, so we'll see what we can work out on Christmas.


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