Monday, January 22, 2007

27th Birthday Q&A

So, three years ago, fully entrenched in my first year of blogging, I decided I needed some sort of staple for my birthday, to see how I've changed over the years. I fell upon James Lipton's questionnaire from the end of Inside the Actor's Studio. Here is this year's compilation.

Phil (dramatic pause) what is your favorite word?

25: Asinine
26: Grace (as in that of a dancer)
27: Hubris

What is your least favorite word?

25: Dude.
26: Job,
27: Lastly

What turns you on?

25: Intelligent conversation.
26: Grace.
27: Simplicity

What turns you off?

25: Ignorance, and indifference to one’s own ignorance.
26: Bad and/or irrational arguments.
27: Low self-esteem with a dash of desperation

What sound do you love?

25: The ticking clock theme from 24.
26: Rain with a dash of distant thunder.
27: The ambiance of an afternoon game at Wrigley Field

What sound do you hate?

25: My dog, Scamp, barking at the raccoons at three in the morning.
26: Wire hangers scraping against the metal crossbeam in my mother's fabric room.
27: The unwanted cheerleading of an inept weekend producer.

What profession, other than yours, would you like to attempt?

25: Chicago Cubs’ play-by-play man. I’d say starting pitcher, but who are we kidding?
26: Well, being that I'm unemployed, I can pick anything here. Dramatic television writer.
27: Sportscaster.

What profession, other than yours, would you not like to participate in?

25: Anything involving tips. Never again.
26: We're gonna stick with last year's on that one.
27: TV Reporter

What is your favorite curse word?

25: Bullshit or horseshit. Any word involving animal excrement I find quite delightful.
26: Bollocks.
27: Fuck

Finally, if heaven exists, what would you like God to say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

“I suppose I have some explaining to do.” This answer will never change.


BD said...

So, did she call?

BD said...

By the way, happy birthday playa.