Monday, August 14, 2006

What Does One Do After Losing 30+ Hours of Work? A Survey, Of Course.

So, those of you who frequent my site should know by now that for the past couple months I’ve been working on an uber-highlight film of my high school sledding posse. Well, yesterday was nothing short of a disaster. Just about the only thing that could have been worse would have been for the master tapes to catch on fire. Thankfully, that didn’t happen, but their digital representations weren’t so fortunate.

The most tedious part of editing old home movies digitally is that all the video must first be imported into the computer. With the sledding video this means upwards of 20 hours of footage. Then once everything is in the machine I have to go through each video and maker the usable clips. The first time I did it I had over a thousand clips, and it took me nearly three weeks on-and-off to get it all done.

But one issue remained. 20 hours of footage eats up nearly 200 gigs of memory, or just about half my hard drive space. Thankfully (or so I thought), Final Cut Pro has a little feature called Media Manager that is supposed to keep the footage that you’ll use and delete the rest. Well, I gave it a shot yesterday.

Long story short -- it didn’t work like it was supposed to. So, as far as the inputting of footage goes, I am officially starting from square one. Thankfully, I was able to salvage the opening titles I finished on Saturday (kick ass), but now I have over 35 hours of prep work to complete before I can get to the heart of the highlight film. I guess it could be a blessing in disguise. I’ve finished the first year and found some golden one-liners that I missed the first time through. Still, knowing I have that much work ahead of me before I can, once again, get back to the fun stuff, is more than slightly infuriating.

So, in order to calm my soul I have a thirty yard restraining order on my iMac. It’s small and could easily fit through my window should I choose to chuck it. However, since I have a case of the fury induced stir-crazies, I had to find something to occupy my time before I head in to work. Thankfully, my dear friend Jules has submitted a new survey that will give me a few minutes of mindless pap balm my rage. Enjoy.

1.) What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
Field of Dreams and Friday Night Lights.

2.) If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I’d like to have my kidneys replaced, but that’s not exactly plastic surgery.

3.) Do you have a completely irrational fear?
My teeth randomly falling out. Seriously, I have nightmares about it at least three times a month.

4.) What is the little physical habit that gives away you're insecure moments?
I tend to talk to much and start talking louder.

5.) Are you a pyromaniac?
Not in an unhealthy way.

6.) Do you have too many love interests?
No. I’d say not enough.

7.) Do you know anyone famous?
God! Could one more person ask me what Paula Sands is really like?

8.) Who would play you in a movie?
Some actor who never wants to work again.

9.) Do you know how to play poker?
It’s essential in my family.

10.) What do you carry with you at all times?
Affectations of different sorts.

11.) What do you miss most about being a kid?
Sledding and an inexhaustible energy supply.

12.) Are you happy with your given name?
I can’t imagine anything but.

13.) How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
Quite a bit. I get nearly everything I need from the Internet. Except a girlfriend.

14.) What color is your bedroom?
Sea green with a whiteboard taking up one whole wall.

15.) What was the last song you were listening to?
Public Affair by Jessica Simpson. Though I wouldn’t say I was listening to it.

16.) Have you ever been in love?

17.) Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?

18.) Favorite fabric?
Um… what?

19.) Something you love and also hate?
My iMac.

20.) What's the one language you want to learn?

21.) How do you eat an apple?
In slices without the skin.

22.) Have you ever pierced your body parts?
Not for decorative purposes.

23.) Do you have any tattoos?
Absolutely not.

24.) Do you drive a stick?

25.) What's one trait you hate in a person?

26.) Do you consider yourself materialistic?
That would kind of make me a hypocrite based on the last answer, no?

27.) What do you cook the best?

28.) Favorite writing instrument?
Uni-ball, black ink.

29.) Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
Blend in socially. Stand out career-wise.

30.) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Can’t say I’d ever have… oh my God I love that blouse!

31.) What's one car you will never buy?
Anything with shitty gas mileage.

32.) What kind of books do you like to read?
Right now I’m going through Marvel’s Ultimate universe. I’m shocked by the quality of writing in those titles.

33.) If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Buy my mom a house on the river. Probably self-finance a movie.

34.) Burial or cremation?
Cremation. And no open casket at the funeral.

35.) How many online journals do you read?
None, I don’t think.

37.) Do you cry in front of your friends?
My nickname is Rock for a reason.

38.) What's one thing you like to do alone?
One thing? Try nearly everything.

39.) Are you a giver or a taker?
Giver, almost to an unhealthy degree.

40.) When's the last time you cried?
When my brother left for Iraq.

41.) What is your favorite communication method?
Face to face.

42.) Do you think you're cute?
Like a bunny? No.

43.) Favorite type of music?
I can’t pigeonhole myself in that regard.

44.) Are you a workaholic?
When I have something I’m passionate about.

45.) What are your kids names?
That’s kind of presumptuous, don’t you think?

46.) Do you like to shop?
What did I put for that irrational fear question? Change that to shopping.

47.) What is your hidden talent?

48.) Would you die to save the life of someone you deeply love?
That’s a hypothetical that’s impossible to answer truthfully.

49.) Are your friends married or single?

50.) Do you own a Bible?
How else can I debate it if I’ve never read it?

51.) Do you play chess?
I know how. I wouldn’t say I play it though.

52.) Do you like the rain?
I do.

53.) Do you like thunderstorms?
Absolutely. Hurricanes are best though.

54.) What's your favorite website?

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