Monday, May 08, 2006

Sort of a Cool Moment For Me

Ever since I became a TV fanatic, I've been going to for news and reviews and the like. During my time there I became a fan of a certain columnist there by the name of Michael Ausiello. It's kind of interesting the stuff you can become a fan of. Like my recent admiration for Roger Ebert, I'm now finding special enjoyment in how people write about things more than what they're writing about. Anyway, Ausiello is the "inside guy" at TV Guide. He's the one who gets the dirt on what's coming up on shows like Lost and 24, and then teases some of what he's learned in his weekly column Ask Ausiello. But like I said, it's how he writes about it. You can check out his column to see what I'm talking about, but mainly I'm drawn to the site because Ausiello is 100% wiseass (sound like anyone you know?). He's a lot of fun to read.

So, recently TV Guide began hosting blogs, and I decided I'd create one... being the TV junkie that I am. And I was stuck on a name. Finally I came up with this... Ausiellics Anonymous. Now the entire first post is dedicated to why I chose this name, so I'm not going to repeat that here. However, I got quite a nice surprise when I found out that my favorite TV Guide columnist had, if not read, at least heard of and seen my new blog. He posted a brief blurb about it on his own personal website this morning. While this probably isn't all that big a deal to you lot, I have to say this is probably the biggest geek-out moment I've had since I met John C. McGinley (Dr. Cox) during my internship at NBC.

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