Thursday, September 28, 2006

On With It Already

I'm a slave to routine. I only seem to function at prime capacity when I know what to expect from a given day, week, or month. When things are unsettled, just about everything in my life suffers. I only commit to those things that I absolutely must do, and everything else is forgotten or ignored.

With this admission, I ask for your patience and understanding. Since my transfer from part time studio grunt to full-time photojournalist has been, at best, tumultuous, I've had little time or energy to commit to my other passions, specifically my blog and my video opus, The Sledding Syndicate. I expect to eventually get back to these things when I get my schedule in order, but the timeframe for that has been extended repeatedly over the past month.

The blogging really upsets me because I've had no shortage of stories to tell since this news nonsense began. I've resorted to keeping a video diary simply because I want this weird time documented, but I just don't have the patience to sit down and write all this crap down.

Of course, this might seem hypocritical -- I am writing this, after all -- but I'm writing this at my desk, having just gotten back from a 1079 (dead body) that turned out to be a natural death. Talk about a distasteful experience. But other than the occasional emergency call, I'm extremely bored working dayside -- most of my friends and my usual shift are all on nightside -- and I can't wait for my normal schedule to begin.

I'm hoping that once I'm back nightside, fully entrenched in my usual grind, things will even out and I'll be able to get back to the fun I was enjoying before the transfer drama began. The only thing I've been able to enjoy since I got this promotion have been the Highlight Zone on Fridays and Studio 60 on Mondays; this just makes me sad. On paper, my life has seen a huge upswing, but in execution things have played out much differently.

I just have no patience with this training nonsense, mostly because there's no training involved. So, if I'm just going to be left to my own devices, I'd much rather do it in the company of my friends rather than the dour depressed, and disenchanted daysiders.

Somebody, please help me. I need my nightlife back.

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