Monday, April 03, 2006

Wavering Loyalties in America's Pasttime

Though the ChiSox kicked the season off last night, for most of us baseball begins today. Talking to my brother on the phone last night (yes he called), he told me he had butterflies in his stomach awaiting the Cubs opener. I know how he feels. And I'm sure he's having a good day so far after the Cubs put up a five-run first inning which included wonderful contributions from off-season acquisitions Juan Pierre and Jacque Jones, not to mention the Cubs big prospect Matt Murton.

But there's also the spectre of the Cordova Confederacy, my cousin Brian's fantasy league. Already this adventure is playing mind games with me. Acquring Cub killer Albert Pujols with my first pick started it off. Now the Cubs have put up a five run first inning against my bottom pitcher Aaron Harang. I'm a competitive guy. And I really want to do well in my first year in fantasy baseball.

Well, if I must lose in the fantasy league, the least the Cubs could do is give me a World Series. Is it too much to ask?

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